
Hello from 'The Tease Maid'. I am woman...hear me POUR! Read on for my general make-up musings and my plan to make the world a better place with nothing but cuppas, cupcakes and cosmetics. There's a weekly 'Tuesday Tip' and a 'Vintage Vault', and of course information on where you can find my next "Cake It On" event... Hope to see you at one soon xox

Tuesday, 10 April 2012

Tuesday Tip (Tried and Tested) #2

Use Setting Lotion
If the phrase 'setting lotion' conjures up images of old ladies with blue rinses and tight poodle curls, it's time to update that image and take a tip from your granny...
Setting lotion is one of the beauty world's best kept secrets and I really have no idea why it's so clandestine. It's the exact thing that was used in the 1940's and 50's to hold a curl, and yet it's not widely produced or advertised anymore.

It's also incredibly inexpensive which may be the reason it's not well advertised...why would we spend £4.99 on a 'strong-hold mousse' if we can get setting lotion for £1.50??
I buy Superdrug's own but you can get many different brands in independant chemists - the same chemists you can usually find other unfashionable but amazing products like Epsom Salts and plastic rain hoods!
It is actually very watery and you can usually buy it in different strengths - many people decant it into a spray bottle (Superdrug do a fantastic one for 99p) and you're supposed to add water to dilute it further as it can be quite strong.
Honestly, it gives you lovely soft curls that really hold so it's not like a mousse or a gel.
Don't be fooled by some blog posts on the net which say it smells 'evil' and causes frizz. PERM lotion is the one that used to smell evil (remember that strange farty smell all hairdresser's used to have..?) but I think even that's changed now. And it certainly doesn't cause frizz. I have the worst hair for being frizzy and I never have a problem with it. It even seems to dry my hair faster which is another bonus. If you really don't want to be naff and buy a granny product then go onto amazon.co.uk and buy Pin-Up Setting Lotion - that's only a couple of quid and may look a bit better on your dressing table.
If you want an authentic vintage set, especially if it's a wet set that you want to sleep in, setting lotion is definitely the way to go - seriously, use it, and I guarantee you'll never use mousse again xox

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