Hello from 'The Tease Maid'. I am woman...hear me POUR! Read on for my general make-up musings and my plan to make the world a better place with nothing but cuppas, cupcakes and cosmetics. There's a weekly 'Tuesday Tip' and a 'Vintage Vault', and of course information on where you can find my next "Cake It On" event... Hope to see you at one soon xox
This time it goes to....... After going through the forms I can announce that the winner of the prize this time is the darling Martha who placed the largest order by a hair's breadth! She wins...
Cheeky Pin-Up Book
and this is on top of all the fab products she ordered and will receive at the next event. (When I see you on the 18th Maarfs it will be like Christmas for you!) Congrats to you and for everyone else I have already purchased the next prize so make sure you attend xox
oh how wonderful!! :D Lots of things to look forward to! xx