
Hello from 'The Tease Maid'. I am woman...hear me POUR! Read on for my general make-up musings and my plan to make the world a better place with nothing but cuppas, cupcakes and cosmetics. There's a weekly 'Tuesday Tip' and a 'Vintage Vault', and of course information on where you can find my next "Cake It On" event... Hope to see you at one soon xox

Sunday, 17 June 2012

Cake It On!

1920's Prohibition Special
For a little change I decided to do a 20's/30's inspired event to coincide with the 'Prohibition Party' which happens in London once every couple of months. Whenever I go there, people ask me how I do my hair in a Marcel wave. It looks so difficult but is actually really easy,
so I thought I'd get everybody down to the lovely Crimson Heart and use my fab model Julia to show how it can be done on even the shortest hair:
It took probably 5 minutes using just cheap gel, a comb and some sectioning clips you can find in any chemist. Then Julia was able to sit and enjoy the rest of the party as the wave 'set'. 
Because it has to be done on wet hair, a little trick I've learned is to spray the hair with setting lotion before combing gel through. That way, the next day, you can brush it out into a looser wave and it looks a bit more 30's

And if you'd like to see how the make-up is done, have a look at this fantastic YouTube tutorial! I love this one as the girl has gone to so much effort to make it look 1920's - it's fab:
We spent the rest of the evening, as usual, just having a massive laugh! I used everyone's order forms to do a raffle at the end, and the lovely Laura won herself an Avon 'Hollywood Starlet' set of shower gel and body scrub. I like to ensure prizes suit the theme!
Topics of conversation always seem to end up fairly hilarious, especially after the consumption of copious amounts of (illegal) hooch and sugar :s But I'm not going to tell you about that...you'll just have to come down next time ;-) xox

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