
Hello from 'The Tease Maid'. I am woman...hear me POUR! Read on for my general make-up musings and my plan to make the world a better place with nothing but cuppas, cupcakes and cosmetics. There's a weekly 'Tuesday Tip' and a 'Vintage Vault', and of course information on where you can find my next "Cake It On" event... Hope to see you at one soon xox

Wednesday, 28 March 2012

Read All About It...

10 things you never knew about AVON...

1) They've been around for 125 years
2) The founder David H. McConnell named it after the River Avon as he LOVED Shakespeare.
3) At a time of limited employment opportunities for women his concept, which allowed women to make their own money, was revolutionary.
4)Avon Products Inc. recognised 'corporate responsibility' long before the rest of the world followed suit and their 3 key aims are still Empowering Women, Sustainability and Philanthropy.
5) The Avon Foundation for Women (est 1955) is the world's largest corporate philanthropy organisation focussed on issues that matter most to females. It has donated more than $860 MILLION to more than 50 countries.
6) In 1989, Avon was the first major company to put a permanent end to animal testing.
7) Their Breast Cancer Crusade was launched in the UK in 1992 and at this time more than 163,000 participants have raised $400 MILLION and circumnavigated the globe 210 times via sponsored walks.
8) Their 'Speak Out Against Domestic Violence' campaign was launched in 2004 and already $40 MILLION has been donated to support this cause in 50 countries.
9)Emergency/Disaster relief is high on their priority list and they have awarded $19 MILLION to victims of 9/11, Asian Tsunami (2004), Hurricane Katrina (2005) and Haiti Earthquake (2010)
10) More recently they launched the 'Hello GREEN Tomorrow' initiative to empower a global women's environmental moevement to nurture nature, with a focus on re-forestation.

Take a look at the fabulous interactive timeline and retro posters/products at: http://www.hagley.org/library/exhibits/avon/
Also, see my page at Avon for a longer version of this article and more info :)


  1. I loved our chat about your Avon business retro style last night. BRING THE TRUE MEANING BACK!
    Martha :)

  2. I know! I'm so excited to be involved in this - it's so much fun and such a good cause :) xx


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